Monday, December 13, 2010

Life and Christmas

Hey every one its been a long time since I've posted anything. And as I find myself with a bit of free time on my hands I thought I throw something up.

I've been doing good and a lot has changed.

I've moved out of my parents house and into my friend Kevin's house. It's back behind Jordan landing. It's a nice place and I have my own bathroom and stuff. Also in case I haven't said yet, I changed my number but hopefully I'll change it back soon if you want my new number just reply to this and I'll send it too you. Same goes for my new address.

Otherwise my life hasn't changed much. School has finished up, and I think i did good. I'm really thinking about continuing Optical school cause I loved that class.

Well I'm getting distracted here so I'm going to go. Hope you have a good one and I'll post again next year.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


65 Questions You've Probably Never Been know the rules. Tag people in this note (including the person who tagged you!) to learn more about people. Also, try to tag people who you've tagged in other notes, sometimes you learn things in new notes that you didn't know before about them...

1. First thing you wash in the shower?

2. What color is your favorite hoodie?
Dark red.

3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yes, i would

4. Do you plan outfits?
sometimes, but not really

5. How are you feeling RIGHT now?
A bit tired, but very happy

6. What’s the closest thing to you that's red?
A coke bottle

7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having?
I usually don't dream, so i can't think of any.

8. Did you meet anybody new today?
The waiter at IHOP

9. What are you craving right now?

10. Do you floss?
No, i should

11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage?
That it hates you

12. Are you emotional?
sometimes. Eh who am I kidding yeah I am.

13. Have you ever counted to 1,000?

14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?

15. Do you like your hair?
heck yeah

16. Do you like yourself?
Well not really, but I'm working on it.

17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush?
heck yeah, that would be so entertaining

18. What are you listening to right now?
I'm on a boat

19. Are your parents strict?
kind of, not so much now.

20. Would you go sky diving?
You would have to make me. I wouldn't go willingly

21. Do you like cottage cheese?

22. Have you ever met a celebrity?

23. Do you rent movies often?

24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in?
there are float-ies in the air

25. How many countries have you visited?
Just the USA

26. Have you made a prank phone call?
I might of, but I probably messed up

27. Ever been on a train?
Trax, but other then that no

28. Brown or white eggs?
Scrambled please

29.Do you have a cell phone?
Currently a sidekickXL, but I'm looking for a new one

30. Do you use chapstick?
yeah when my lips get bad

31. Do you own a gun?
A .22 rifle, and 12 gauge shotgun

32. Can you use chop sticks?

33. Who are you going to be with tonight?
My co-workers

34. Are you too forgiving?
yeah I am

35. Ever been in love?
Yes, I was hurt, but I'm still looking

36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow?
hmm, I dunno probably working while I'm home, then home while I'm working.

37. Ever have cream puffs?
I love cream puffs

38. Last time you cried?
hmm... yeah I don't remember really.

39. What was the last question you asked?
What was the last question I asked?

40. Favorite time of the year?
WINTER!!! all the way

41. Do you have any tattoos?
no, but I'm sorely tempted.

42. Are you sarcastic?
NO, of course not.

43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect?
No, but I know what happens

44. Ever walked into a wall?
Plenty of times

45. Favorite color?
blood red

46. Have you ever slapped someone?
No but I've been slapped, as a joke.

47. Is your hair curly?
no, it curls at the ends when its long but otherwise no.

48. What was the last CD you bought?
Starcraft 2 OST

49. Do looks matter?
I think so.

50. Last text you received?
Gamestop: 9/8 only: 15%off in-Stock Wii and DS titles 29.99 or more!(online only)

51. Is your phone bill sky high?
35 not bad

52. Do you like your life right now?
no, but it will get better, I'll make sure of it.

53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
No the high pitched noise keeps me up

54. Can you handle the truth?
I'd rather that then a lie.

55. Do you have good vision?
nope I need glasses

56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? such a strong word.

57. How often do you talk on the phone?
you can do that?!? Oh I've got to try that

58. The last person you held hands with?
The same person I kissed.

59. What are you wearing?

60.What is your favorite animal?
Dogs, cats, snakes, and pygmy goats.

61. Where was your default picture taken?
Mine is anime, from a game. My facebook was takes in drama clubs

62. Can you hula hoop?
sort of, haven't done it in forever

63. Do you have a job?

64. What was the most recent thing you bought?
Coke Zero and IHOP

65. Have you ever crawled through a window?
of course.

Friday, August 27, 2010

School, Work, and Wants.

Hey everyone, I know its been a while so I thought I'd fill everyone in on whats going on.

So I recently started school this week I'm taking full time classes. Intro to Accounting, optical, digital design, and film. I'm testing the waters to see what I like best and what I want to go into. So far I've only gone to two of the classes as the other two are on tuesdays.

Works been the same, I'm still on the front end looking for full time. Luckily with the holiday season coming up I'll be getting more hours so I hope I can find full time before next year.

I've also been looking around and have found a lot of different things I'd like to get just for fun. I've been looking at Ipads, Bamboo tablets, games, books, car parts. Looking around has made me realize that I wish I had money for it all. Yet I know that if I did I wouldn't care about it as much. I don't know about you guys But I love having something I've worked for. Something I've had plenty of time to mull over in my head. Weighing the pros and cons and saving up for it. Cause I think that makes things so much better and more useful.

Any way thats a quick update. Let me know if you guys have any questions for me and I'll be sure to answer any and all.

Have fun

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blippy and stuff.

Hey everyone.

It's been while since I've posted but it doesn't mean I haven't been busy...okay yes it does.

Well I've just been working and messing with friends. I've been on some weird type of emotional roller-coaster the last few days. Happy, sad, laughing, depressed, and I have no idea whats causing it. Possibly the stress of money, or too much free time on my hands, or nothing at all. Whatever the case I'm happy now and want to share the latest.
First I want to say a Congrats to Jaycey who got a NEW CAR!!! Its a red Kio Rio...I don't know the year though so sorry. But I know she's uber excited and I'm happy for her.

NEXT IS BIG!!!! So you all know that Church down on the Corner of 6200 south and Redwood? of corse you do cause you had to pass it to get home when getting off I-215 well, ITS GONE!!!! yep they tore it down. I tried to get some pics with my phone though they didn't turn out too great.
Its crazy and will be missed....I think.

So lastly but not leastly. I've made another account, but this time on a site called Blippy. Basically what it is, is a site that posts your purchases where everyone can see them, rate/comment on them. I've joined so you guys can see what I'm getting from the three things I have connected right now which is Amazon, Itunes, and NetFlix. You do need to sign up to post but you can RSS my list if you'd like. The link is HERE. And if you'd like to join do so and follow me so we can comment on all the money we spend. (You can set up a Credit card or Bank account number if you wish. I'm personally skeptical about that right now.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My biggest mistake.

Earlier today many of you may have noticed a couple of posts about how I feel as though some people we're ruining my life...I regretfully say that I was the most mistaken on this then anything else in my life.

What I thought to be an attack on me. Was nothing more then a big miscommunication and my own selfishness. I know now what I've done and what I need to do to fix my life. My biggest regret is that I ever took my frustration to the internet. By doing so I let a simple situation get completely out of hand.

I want to apologize to everyone. Both those who I offend and yelled at. I truly do have a wonderful family. They are so kind to me and give me more then I deserve. And for these things I'm eternally grateful.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hmm...what next...

So its 12:31 I'm sitting in my room eating cake and debating what to do in my life.

Right now I'm 21. Not going to school. Working part time and filling my extra time with video games.

I feel like a slug. I recently took a challenge from a friend to go a few days without games and I'm happy to say that i did it. I also enjoyed it. Now I'm sitting here so confused on what to do. All my life I've played Video games to pass the time and enjoy the time I do it. But I'm not learning anything new, keeping in contact with anyone(sure it has online but I only play mornings or late nights), or getting anything accomplished. When I played games today i got frustrated, upset, and let it ruin my day. Thats not entertainment when you get upset. So whilst I pushed carts in the freezing cold at work I started thinking what I should do.

I considered selling both my home consoles and using the money on an Apple IPad. "Wait Austin," you might say "what's the point of getting that, it has games on it." Yes it does but I never said that i was swearing off games, just that i wasn't doing anything with my time. "Well how would the Apple IPad help with that?" thats a good question. The IPad though to most(me included) see the IPad as a giant IPod Touch it has more to offer then its smaller counterpart. The 3G model uses the At&t 3G wi-fi with out a contract. This means I get all the great apps while being able to use it on the go. Now it may seem a bit much I know I'd use it ALL the time. Thats why i got a smart phone in the first place was so i could have internet on the go. But with this i can browse the internet as i would on my MacBook but anywhere i long as At&t was available.

The whole reason I've been considering it is cause I feel if i had it i wouldn't confine myself to my room all the time. I still live at home and don't spend all that much time with my family. Most people spend more time with there families in 2 years then i have since i was 10. and I want to change this. I want to be a better person and i think spending a little more time with my family and friends might help.

Well seeing as how its almost 1 in the morning and I'm having a hard time making sure this makes sense I'll stop here. I guess my main question to my followers is this. What do you guys think i should do? Should I sell my systems? Should I just wait and save up and get the IPad in a few months down the road? Just let me know what you think in the comments.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Whilst I'm bored...

Well I'm not doing anything and I should update so connie doesn't get mad at me ;-)

Since I've last posted I went to Wyoming. Rawlins specifically. It was so much fun. I went with Kim to see Jaycey in the play HONK! It was a musical about the ugly duckling. It was very cute and had great music. While we where there we bowled and saw "How to train your Dragon" and I've got to say I loved it! Such a cool/cute show. I don't want to spoil anything so you should go and see it.

Also it was my birthday a few days ago I am now 21! Don't bother asking how it feels cause I'll tell you it doesn't feel any different then being 20. Mainly cause I don't drink so nothing changed there. But for gifts. I got a desk add-on to my Bookshelf from my mom, a new car battery from my dad, a trash bag for my car from Amy and John, as well as a new Beta fish from Stacey and Brandon.

My old Beta fish, Prince Bloke the 4th, received a bad infection when I was trying to clean his bowl. He wasn't very secure and tried to make a break for it. When I got him back into his bowl it was too late. I really miss that Fish. But now I have a new Beta named Sazh(pronounced like Jazz with a S) (and yes I know Scott its from a Game. but I like the name) I'll hopefully get a good picture soon and add it.

Other then that Life has been the same. Working at Costco with a car that runs great. (except for the battery) Hope I have more for you soon.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Now that i'm on a roll I can't stop posting.

Whilst browsing the people's Blogs i follow I found this little test on Jaycey's and Brittney's Blogs and took it here is the Test and here are my results:(The link takes you strait to the test. you click it and you start taking it)

Best Occupational Category



Independent, Self-Motivated, Reserved, Introspective, Analytical, and Curious

e investigative types gather information, analyze and interpret data, and inquire to uncover new facts. They have a strong scientific orientation, enjoy academic or research environments and prefer self-reliant jobs. Dislikes are group projects, selling, and repetitive activities.

Suggested careers are College Professor, Physician, Psychologist, Pharmacist, Chemist, Marketing Research, Inventor, Sales Forecasting, Project Engineer, Dentist, Identifying Consumer Demand, Chiropractor, Dentist, Medical Technician, Optometrist, Research & Development Manager, Respiratory Therapist, Real Estate Appraiser, Chiropractor, Veterinarian, Geologist, Physicist, Science Teacher, Medical Technologist, and Author of Technical Books.

Task-oriented careers where you can become absorbed in the job, be original and creative, and not conform to rigid company rules will work best for you. Unstructured organizations, for example, that allow you to sail your own ship are vital.

Suggested Researcher workplaces are universities and colleges, home office positions, medical facilities, computer-related industries, scientific foundations and think tanks, research firms, and design laboratories.

2nd Best Occupational Category



Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate

These conservative appearing, plotting-types enjoy organizing, data systems, accounting, detail, and accuracy. They often enjoy mathematics and data management activities such as accounting and investment management. Persistence and patience allows them to do detailed paperwork, operate office machines, write business reports, and make charts and graphs.

Once again i ask your opinion does this sound like me?

Finally took it.

Well I took the color test. Found that my color is BLACK. Here's what it says

Nothing can stand between you and your demand for a calm environment. To be free of conflict and disagreement is the only way to live. In fact, it’s this philosophy that probably allows you to be comfortable in conditions that would normally bother others. Your ability to focus is undisputed, and while you enjoy attention, you still have problems understanding how to handle it. No other color out lives by the golden rule as much as you do.

I dunno, what do you think? Thought i'd post a pic to so here's Black Rock Shooter who likes...well black and blue.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Alright, I'm sorry.

Yeah I know I haven't been posting Connie I'm sorry.

No I really am sorry for not keeping up to date on things. I've been playing games and keeping myself busy and on my down time, posting just hasn't sounded fun so I'm buckling down and posting everything that has happened.

To start off with I now have a car, it has been a while since I've had it but seeing as its the newest thing I'm posting about it. Its a 03 Pontiac Vibe. I got it for 5,000 and it's only got 120 miles with a Toyota engine that's not very much. Its running great and I'm so happy i have it.

My phone cracked a while ago and i had to send out for a new one I got it today and I'm planning on taking good care of it this time no more loose pockets that it can pop out of and skydive to the concrete.

Other then those two things life has stayed pretty much the same. Not much in my love life, still working part time and attending church whenever i can. I do however want to let you guys know about my new project.

Daily Booth is a website where you can post pictures and talk about them, I know there are a lot of those out there but on this site I plan to post at least on picture a day so as to keep a Photo journal of myself. If you like you follow my page click here you can also set up a page if you'd like, I find it really fun.

Well I have some things coming up this month that will give me lots to post about. So I'm planning on keeping this up to date along with my Daily Booth.

Oh also one more thing, Scott's been telling me to get a move on and i've just been layzing about. I've been thinking up stories in my head and wanted to post them I've made a new blog to where you can read them if you'd like just follow Link. And let me know what you think.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wow sorry i didn't post yesterday guys I had a really bad day, with all sorts of stuff but lets get to posting.

Well as far as church goes I'm trying to go every sunday and so far has been successful. Work is hard to get around but everyone there seems to be willing to work with my schedule which is nice. now only if i could get full time...

I recently ordered from ThinkGeek a few things as well as added a bunch of stuff to my wish list, so if you don't know what to get me for my birthday or are lazy :-P then check this site out, i got a staple free stapler and a utili-key they are both really cool and I'm enjoying my Titanium Spork that i got a long time ago everyday.

For those of you who don't know I'm subscribed to Netflix and the other day I watched "The Number 23" it was a really good movie, It was one of Jim Carry's more serious flicks, but he did a superb job. The show is about a guy who Gets a book called the Number 23 and how the character in the book finds everything to add up to the number 23 in his life SSN, License plate number, birthday everything. But as Jim Carry starts to get farther in the book he sees that everything he has adds to 23 as well its a phycological thriller that is worth a watch.

Other then that I'm still looking for a car with minimal success. So please keep your eyes open for me. :-)

Alright I want to apologize but lately I've been listening to the harry potter books on CD so I don't have any music to share with you today. See you wednesday.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Alright, its time to start blogging.

Since Monday is moments, let me catch you up on happenings.

Work - I'm still working at costco after 1 and a half years, still part time, but I'm looking for a full time position.

I got in an accident a while ago, I wasn't paying attention and drifted into a parked car. totaled mine but his is fine. So now I'm currently looking for a car. The search isn't going that well. :-(

My family is doing good, they've all been busy so i don't see much of them.

Well, other then that I'm not sure what you guys don't already know, So let me know in the comments what I should add.