Thursday, April 1, 2010

Whilst I'm bored...

Well I'm not doing anything and I should update so connie doesn't get mad at me ;-)

Since I've last posted I went to Wyoming. Rawlins specifically. It was so much fun. I went with Kim to see Jaycey in the play HONK! It was a musical about the ugly duckling. It was very cute and had great music. While we where there we bowled and saw "How to train your Dragon" and I've got to say I loved it! Such a cool/cute show. I don't want to spoil anything so you should go and see it.

Also it was my birthday a few days ago I am now 21! Don't bother asking how it feels cause I'll tell you it doesn't feel any different then being 20. Mainly cause I don't drink so nothing changed there. But for gifts. I got a desk add-on to my Bookshelf from my mom, a new car battery from my dad, a trash bag for my car from Amy and John, as well as a new Beta fish from Stacey and Brandon.

My old Beta fish, Prince Bloke the 4th, received a bad infection when I was trying to clean his bowl. He wasn't very secure and tried to make a break for it. When I got him back into his bowl it was too late. I really miss that Fish. But now I have a new Beta named Sazh(pronounced like Jazz with a S) (and yes I know Scott its from a Game. but I like the name) I'll hopefully get a good picture soon and add it.

Other then that Life has been the same. Working at Costco with a car that runs great. (except for the battery) Hope I have more for you soon.


Unknown said...

from A game or from THE GAME


Jaycey said...

I think no one should name their fish "Prince Bloke" because I owned Prince Bloke II and Prince Bloke III, they also died. Unlike those other fish that live

brittany michelle said...

i have a beta named aston martin! sazh and aston martin could be buddies!

Unknown said...

sweet sounds good!

Connie Babe said...

kim just got one named 'howl'...they can all be friends!

and thanks for coming!!!