Monday, April 5, 2010

Hmm...what next...

So its 12:31 I'm sitting in my room eating cake and debating what to do in my life.

Right now I'm 21. Not going to school. Working part time and filling my extra time with video games.

I feel like a slug. I recently took a challenge from a friend to go a few days without games and I'm happy to say that i did it. I also enjoyed it. Now I'm sitting here so confused on what to do. All my life I've played Video games to pass the time and enjoy the time I do it. But I'm not learning anything new, keeping in contact with anyone(sure it has online but I only play mornings or late nights), or getting anything accomplished. When I played games today i got frustrated, upset, and let it ruin my day. Thats not entertainment when you get upset. So whilst I pushed carts in the freezing cold at work I started thinking what I should do.

I considered selling both my home consoles and using the money on an Apple IPad. "Wait Austin," you might say "what's the point of getting that, it has games on it." Yes it does but I never said that i was swearing off games, just that i wasn't doing anything with my time. "Well how would the Apple IPad help with that?" thats a good question. The IPad though to most(me included) see the IPad as a giant IPod Touch it has more to offer then its smaller counterpart. The 3G model uses the At&t 3G wi-fi with out a contract. This means I get all the great apps while being able to use it on the go. Now it may seem a bit much I know I'd use it ALL the time. Thats why i got a smart phone in the first place was so i could have internet on the go. But with this i can browse the internet as i would on my MacBook but anywhere i long as At&t was available.

The whole reason I've been considering it is cause I feel if i had it i wouldn't confine myself to my room all the time. I still live at home and don't spend all that much time with my family. Most people spend more time with there families in 2 years then i have since i was 10. and I want to change this. I want to be a better person and i think spending a little more time with my family and friends might help.

Well seeing as how its almost 1 in the morning and I'm having a hard time making sure this makes sense I'll stop here. I guess my main question to my followers is this. What do you guys think i should do? Should I sell my systems? Should I just wait and save up and get the IPad in a few months down the road? Just let me know what you think in the comments.


Jon said...

Well, it's 3:07 AM here and I'm sitting awake too. Not because of anything other than I've got a sick daughter on my lap sleeping (this is the best sleep she has had all night).

I would say that selling your consoles is a big step. One reason why I like it is similar to what you said in your post: spend more time with your family. I've been your BIL for almost 5 years now and I barely know you. I can't blame your consoles for that, nor is it your fault. I think it is a combination of each of us being too lazy to talk to the other. :) It would be great though to spend some more time getting to know you - and I think your sisters would enjoy that very much also!

As for the iPad. They are pretty cool. If you like it, go ahead. But I would challenge you to set some larger goals for yourself. You mentioned that you aren't going to school and are only working part-time. Why not go back to school? You seem to enjoy writing stories, and I seem to enjoy reading them, so go take creative writing classes, keep pushing yourself to do new things and you'll find yourself feeling more accomplished. The hardest decision I ever made was to go back to school, but I am loving learning and being challenged.

I guess what I'm saying is that you should find what makes you happy in life and push to do more of those things. Once you stop playing video games, you'll find that there are other, more long-lasting enjoyments out there. Just find what they are.

Woah, can you tell that I haven't slept yet? I'm just blathering on and on, and on, and on, and on, and... well, you get it! My point is, set some BHAGs for yourself (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals) and set out to do them - you'll love the results!

Love ya BIL.

Amy Miller said...

I think you're on the right track Auz. I don't know a lot of wives that wish their husbands would spend more time gaming. Why not get a head start on getting out of that now? Save yourself some arguments with you spouse later. :)

I also agree with Jon that you should take some tough steps. It's always rough to start, but it's so rewarding to see what you've accomplished. Once you see results, there will be no stopping you!

As for the iPad, I think there are better things. You already have a laptop and that doesn't get you out of your room more, does it?

I love you little bro, and I'm proud of you! Good luck!

brittany michelle said...

I would wait until the next version of the iPad comes out before you purchase it. It'll probably be a year or two, but let them figure out what people really use it for, improve it, and then make an investment. also, it will give competition some time to develop a product maybe with more features that you'd appreciate.

and you should come up to USU next fall. I'm not taking any classes this fall, just working before I start my master's in the spring, but you should come up and be with me!

Jon said...

On a side note, this may be helpful for you in deciding whether or not to get an iPad...

Unknown said...

i agree with britt on this one, wait it out and get a good model (cringe) i'm sure you can guess what me and josh say about selling your consoles. if you feel you need to be with other people than make it so and dont revert to games when theres nothing to do. write or something like i said before PRACTICE. dont go and make a move like selling consoles and possibly regret it later. give me the chords and ill hold onto them if you like.

Connie Babe said...

k...i'm with britt and scott on the ipad. i wouldn't tell you to not get one, but wait...just wait.

and to sell your consoles? oh heavens...that's a tricky question. because i know to never come between a man and his electronics! :D it has to be your decision.

as for the games...if you're debating your playing time, then you're probably playing too much. so to cut that time down would be a good thing.

here's something i learned from my recent training in s.l.c. from the general relief society president: she said to make 3 lists. ESSENTIAL, NECESSARY, NICE TO DO.

As pertaining to your eternal salvation.

Essential would be spending time with your spouse (whenever that happens), knowledge, temple work, know the stuff.

Necessary would be cooking, laundry, things that are necessary to life, but not essential to your eternal salvation.

Nice to do comes last...reading, blogging, playing video games, etc.

See what I'm saying?

Take some college classes. At least go get in an institute class (you can go park your butt in one right now). Round up your friends and go do baptisms for the dead (feel free to nag my daughter to join you).

Right now, you are setting up your husband, father, grandfather, and employee life. Where do you want to be in 10 years? 20 years? You can take steps to take care of that right now. Take advantage of it...because once you step into that domestic life, it gets a lot trickier and your options aren't as open as they are right now.

Go for it...I'm cheering you on...

And seeing as how I'm almost an empty nester...I'll be following in your footsteps in a few months...

And yes, I'm scared. I'll be turning 40 and finally having to figure out what I want to be when I grow up...because all I've ever wanted was to be a wife and a mom...and I'm going to have time on my hands that I need to make sure I'm doing the essentials and not the nice to do's.

Love you! I believe in you!

Unknown said...

Hey dude!!

I'm really excited for you! Having this realization that something needs to change is really a scary, but exciting feeling!!! Please believe, deciding to quit my job and start cosmetology school wasn't easy, but it has been SO WORTH IT!!! And sometimes it does take that first big initial step, of selling your consoles, or starting school. There's SO many wonderful things to learn and do out there. If you're looking for ways to better use your time right now, there are SO many service opportunities out there!! You just have to take the first step.

And I'm kinda agreeing with everyone else about the iPad...sorry. But maybe you can save the money and see if in 6 months or a year of really thinking about it still and researching it if it's really what you're looking for. Also, if you're a little worried about loosing all your gaming at once, just call me! Brandon and I would LOVE to bring the Wii over and play! It's a lot more fun to beat 2 or 3 people at Wii bowling instead of just one.. ;)

I don't know Auz, there's SO many wonderful things out there! It's so exciting to think of all the possibilities and all you're capable of experiencing and living!!!

I love hearing you want to spend more time with family too, because - WE WANT TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU!!! We love you so much, and Easter was just proof of how much more fun we have when you're around.

I love you!! And please believe Brandon and I are always here if you need any ideas or suggestions, or just a nice lunch at Five Guys...yyuummmm :)

Unknown said...

Wow 7 comments, thats a new record for me. I want to thank everyone for there input. And I'll be posting my follow up tomorrow. so be on the look out for it. Thanks again everyone.